Monographs, offprints & references
(24458 Records)

 Accn_Num   Statement of Responsibility   Title   Year 
17564E Aubert de La RueMan and the winds1955
17563W C MooreCereal diseases : their recognition and control1949
17562L CameronWild foods of Great Britain1977
17561 F R PetherbridgeFungoid and insect pests of the farm1923
17560Charles B Heiser JrSeed to civilisation1990
17559J G LandelsEngineering in the ancient world1978
17558Jacynth Hope-SimpsonThe making of the machine age1978
17557 A J Jukes-BrowneThe building of the British Isles1892
17556John DoxatThe living Thames : the restoration of a great tidal river1977
17555Wilson MacArthurThe river Windrush1946
17554Mari Prichard and Humphrey CarpenterA Thames companion1975
17552Ron ScholesUnderstanding the countryside : man's impact on the landscape1985
17551Godfrey BaseleyA country compendium1979
17550A E TruemanThe scenery of England and Wales1938
17549C A JohnsFlowers of the field : Volume II
17548C A JohnsFlowers of the field : Volume I1894?
17547L Dudley StampThe new naturalist : Britain's structure and scenery1946
17546Jackson Kemper, IIIAmerican charcoal making : in the era of the cold-blast furnace at Hopewell Village National Historic Site?
17545E N HartleyIronworks on the Saugus : the Lynn and Braintree ventures of the Company of Undertakers of the Ironworks in New England1957
17544translated by C Stanley Smith and Martha Teach GnudiPirotechnia of Vannoccio Biringuccio1942
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